Like You
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:33 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
The Open door
Song Author
Amy Lee
File Size
69 KB
Stay- low
Soft- dark and dream-less
Far be-neath my-
Night-mares and lon-li-ness
I hate-- me
For breath-ing with-out you
I don't want to
Feel- a-ny-more- for you
Grie---ving for you
I'm not grie---ving for you
No-thing real love- can't un--do-
And- though I may have lost my way
All- paths lead straight to you
I long to be like you
Lie cold- in the ground like you--
Blind- ing wall be-tween us
Melt a-way and-
Leave us a-lone a-gain
Haun- ted some-where out there
I be-lieve our
Love- can see us through in death-
I long to be like you
Lie cold- in the ground like you--
There's room in-side for two-
And I'm not grie---ving for you
I'm com--ing- for you
You're not alone-----
No mat-ter what they told you
You're not al-one-----
I'll be right be-side you for-ev-er-more----
I long to be like you, sis
Lie cold- in the ground like you-- did
There's room in-side for two-
And I'm not grie---ving for you
And as we- lay in si-lent bliss
I- know you re-mem-ber me
I long to be like you
Lie cold- in the ground like you--
There's room in-side for two-
And I'm not grie---ving for you
I'm com--ing for you
This was originally uploaded by someone else who is
unregistered at Updated by:
I changed the piano and vocals, and changed bits of
the guitar. I added backing vocals, as well. Also, lyrics
were added - I just like putting those on!
If anything's wrong feel free to fix it.